In the world of web where we get the global connectivity, it is far easier to break into someone’s personal zone. By personal, we do not just mean the social media. The world wide web which has become the hub of storing and restoring information, considered to be the safest vault, is a mere toy in the hands of a few computer geniuses. Hackers, Black Hat Hackers, villains, crackers, cyber-criminals, cyber pirates as they are well-known, throw a malicious software or virus at a system to gain the access to the desired information.  They may can break into your system too. Here are top hackers of all time.

1. Kevin Mitnick

From the way he look is almost in polite to say that the most wanted computer criminal of united states history. As the US department of justice once called than Kevin Mitnic skill was visible in very young age and age 13 his entertainment was hacking into the phone systems.Kevin Mitnic became the poster boy for hackers everywhere when,in the early Nineties he hacked into everything from communications giants Nokia and Motorola to IBM.

MITNIC build such a reputation by  breaking into the network of companies like Nokia IBM  and Motorola.But in 1993 after making one hack too many into telephone service company Pacific Bell, the FBI began investing him This man hunt was widely publicized and Mitnic went on the run for two and half years. He was eventually caught in 1995 and served five years in prison.The court found him so threatening that for 8 months of his sentence he was placed in solitary confinement Law enforcement had convinced a judge that he could start a nuclear war by whistling codes into a payphone.

But today  Mitnic is free and no longer feared by his client because he reinvented himself y switching side.He also written several books about wild online dates.He is no longer security breaking intruder but a white hack hacker who helps company to solve their security issues. 

2.Jonathan James (COMRADE)

This was the case of Jonathan James who went under the name COMRADE he was the first Jewish in the USA sentenced for computer hacking back in 2000.At the age of 15,child prodigy Jonathan James hacked into basically everything he could,from the Florida based Miami-Dade School system to the Us defense Threat Reduction Agency,who are supposed to protect the country from weapons of mass destruction. He even found a way into NASA systems,Stealing $1.7 million worth of software which could control the physical environment of the International Space station.

James introduced into the government system and obtain the source code for the international space station.This mean he got access to the software which was response for controlling the physical environment of the station.Once the NASA detected intrusion they had to shut down their computers for 3 weeks and in order to fix the system. Even though James didn't get the way with it. One can say he did a favor  because he reviled huge security for us. As he explained they likes some serious computer security and the hard part is learning it. You can say that's wrong since he did these by using only the old school Pentium computer. 

This National security breach wasn't taken lightly and In 2000 James was arrested and convicted on 2 counts of juvenile delinquency. His sentence? six months house arrest, probation until the age of 18, and a written letter of apology to NASA. He was on the government's farad from then on , and in 2008 James house was raided when he was suspected of taking part in another series of hacks, But the possibility of being jailed for a crime he claimed . He hadn't committed evidently spooked James and he killed himself, despite having been arrested for the crime. 

3.Kevin Poulsen (Dark Dante)

As harmless as he looks this is Kevin Poulsen, one of the hacker in USA history. After hacking telephone company computer in order to manipulate the phone line leading to the Los Angles radio station , so he could be the winning scholar phone and radio contest.  Among the prizes he got himself in the way were 20,000$ cash and Porsche 944 S2. 

But the hacking into Federal Investigation database that really got him into trouble. He attracted the authority attention and had to go in hiding for 18 months . After that he got arrest and sentenced for 5 years behind the bars. At that time longest US sentence for hacking.

Hacking Radio Phone Contest 
Hacking FBI
Prison sentence for 5 years

4.George Hotz (Geo Hot)

George Hotz also known as Geo Hot started building his own reputation as serious hacker. He became the first reported person in the history to be able to say "This is the world first unlocked i phone " . This event was so huge and George Hotz was contacted by a milliner given an offer that he simply couldn't refuse to trade unlocked i phone for 3 new i phones and brand new Nissan 350Z. This is the only start for Hotz  because in the following year he hacked the Sony play station 3 and got illegal trouble for doing it.

5.Matthew Bevan & Richard Pyrce

A mentor is supposed to take you under their wing & show you the ways of the world but instead 16 year old Richard Pryce was shown the dark of the matrix when he and his 21 year old mentor Matthew Bevan committed a series of hacks against government agencies. Together, they hacked the United States Air Force, NASA (again) and NATO, copying battlefield simulations & trying to find evidence of UFOS. 

In addition the pair hacked into Korean Atomic Research Institute's database and copied the information onto the United States Air Force systems. The US didn't know who had given them the information and where concerned that if  North Korea found out..they could accuse them of spying and potentially threaten war in return. Luckily the data was South Korean meaning any potential tension could have been easily de-escalated. The pair got off lightly with price being fined $1,500. By the time Bevan's case came to court , the lack of evidence against him led to a full acquittal 

6. Edward Majerczyk 

Do you remember the nude photo leak in 2014, wittily referred to as "celebgate" or "Fappening" by 15 years old with sticky palms? well, this was down to several figures including Edward Majerczyk, the serial hacker cracked the i cloud and Gmail accounts of hundreds of celebrities , including Jennifer Lawrence , in order to obtain nude for his "personal use".  But this didn't last long and these nude images found their way onto the internet for everyone  to see.

The photo made headlines worldwide & caused a fair amount of concern over the security of people's private date. It seemed the hackers were able to break into i cloud accounts with a simple e-mail address. Majerczyk was convicted of the hack in September 2016 and took responsibility for the invasion of privacy. It is thought he will face a 9 month prison sentence.

7.Gary Mckinnon(SOLO)

British citizen Gray Mckinnon has been called the most dangerous hacker in history after being accused for  hacking 97 United States military & intelligence systems over a 13-month period, starting in 2002.He worked as system admin by day day and hacker at night. On one network  alone he caused 2,000 computers to be shut down, deleting weapons logs & other important files . During another hack,Mckinnon  got straight to the point and left the message"your security is crap" on the US military website. According to Mckinnon the campaign of messaging with the Americans was largely to do with his attempt at trying to find evidence for UFO. 

After hacking into NASA website, he claimed to have found images of extraterrestrial spaceships. He also claimed that he'd uncovered an Excel Spreadsheet  detailing the names of "Non-Terrestrial officers" who work in the US Air force as well as the details of a secret space program named Solar Warden. He was eventually detained in 2002 when an American grand jury indicted him and called for his extradition. However but 10 years later the British government threw out the raise against him.once he was caught he was accused of causing $700,00 worth of damaged. 

He is famous not only for that because what he found in these computers consist of top secrets of UFO's cover ups  and similar government secrets. He managed to revel all of these while hacking from his girlfriend aunts house.

8.Guardians Of Peace. 

In the autumn of 2014 Sony pictures announced the planned release of their latest comedy , the interview in which Seth Rogen and James Franco came up with an elaborate plot to kill the leader of North Korea, Kim Jang-un . But before the film could be released a group calling themselves "Guardians Of Peace" demanded that Sony pull the interview from upcoming screenings. They reveled that they had hacked Sony's system and stolen information including 47,000 Social security numbers and a whole series of embarrassing emails.

These purportedly revealed Hollywood secrets and Celeb gossip, including an email by Hollywood producer Scott Rudin in which he called Angelina Jolie a "minimally talented spoiled brat". Not content with just embrassing Sony , Guardians Of Peace went on release malware on Sony systems and even threatened to commit terrorist attacks at film screenings if "The Interview " wasn't canned while the us formally accused North Korea of the attack, there are those who say that's too convenient The hackers have never been caught.

9.Karl Koch

Now to the dark days of the cold war Karl was a German computer hacker during the eighties  who associated with a hacker group called the Chaos Computer Club. This group of renegades would hack into US government computer systems and steal information and source codes to sell to the Soviet Security Agency , the KGB On their hit list was NASA(as always ),the US chief of staffs data bank, and the Max Planck Industries for Nuclear physics. In 1989 the West German authorities discovered this espionage and Koch , along with the other members of the club began to co- operate, confessing to their crimes with premise they wouldn't be prosecuted . Soon after his confession , Koch was found burned to death in a forest near Celle in Germany . The death was officially ruled as a suicide, but numerous conspiracy theorist  believe he was killed by either the German State or KGB to prevent further co -operations.  

10.Higinio Ochoa 

This is something more-than  you might thing . Its the signature of that text of an hacker Higinio Ochoa under the nick name of WORMER with leave behind him in system he hacked into. Eventually same picture became his own downfall.

Wormer and his hacker buddies formed a group called "CABIN CR3W" together they hacked into police and other US law enforcement agencies online database where they can get secret information . One time after hacking into the same database & leaving behind the secret bikini picture the FBI saw it as an opportunity to capture him. They track down the GPS co ordinates from the very same bikini photo it lead to wormer girlfriend's house. 3 years of Prison was not enough to punish him, he prohibited from using the internet, so that he lives today offline .

11.Jan Krissler 

finger prints- a feature make each one of us unique . Since even identical twin have different fingerprints . This  German hacker Jan Krissler also Known as the STARBUG decided to prove that its not that difficult to get a whole of someone with the finger print and not just anyone else but the finger print of German Defense Minister .

He found some high resolution photos in online which were enough for him to able to successfully re created for finger print. Not only that in 2013 when the i phone 5s was released Starbug defeat apple's thumprint verification system within 24 hours of released.

12. Albert Gonzalez

Even those hacking for the right side of the law can go rouge  In 2003 computer hacker Albert Gonzalez was working as an administrator for the website which held auction for stolen credit card information before he was arrested by the secret service . On his arrest he began co-operating  with the authorities and thanks to his information , they put away nearly thirty of his fellow hackers , But , despite his co-operation with the secret service, from 2005 to 2007 Gonzalez is believed to have been the ringleader in a hacking operation that stole approximately 175 million credit card numbers.

That takes balls, as does with the 50 cent inspired operation name, Get Rich Or Die Tryint.  During his spree,  it was rumored that he threw himself a 75,000 $ birthday party and that he once complained about having to count 340,000$ y hand. The total amount of money stolen from the victims remains undistolsed  , but in 2010 Gonzalez was eventually caught and sentenced 20 years in prison

13.XBOX Underground

Gamer will understand when the game is good you just have to explore every map and every levels and then hack into the system of company that develop the game. Right?! well that's what an international hacker did those things ,  They break into Microsoft's network and stole secret credentials so they can physically walk into Microsoft head quarters in USA . They got into this place and took  3 not released versions of XBOX one console with them .

14.Cutting Sward OF Justice 

The cutting Sword of Justice , as they call themselves is a group of hackers whose started goal is to oppose several Arab Sates including Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia . So far they've only picked on one group , though; Aramco, Saudi Arabra's  national oil company. In 2012 the Cutting Sword Of Justice released a virus worm called shamoon . 

Shamoon damaged 30,000 computers by searching files in specific directoires and deleting them causing a massive headache for Armaco and placing 10% of the world's oil supply at risk. Why is this dangerous ? Well, One of the main states suspected of being behind the Cutting Sward is Iran which suggest that these hackers are just a few codes away from further escalating tension in the Middle East.

15.John Kane

World most hackers can press the computer keyboard faster than the rate of piano, others hackers indeed play piano faster than they press the computer keyboard. One Such was John Kane a pianist who after having discovered a minor glitch in a video porker machine. The game king in Las Vegas make this opportunity together with his friend they exploit and made $500,000 .

Also they got into legal trouble. "All these guys did is simply push into sequence button that they legally entitled to push " their lawyer argued and they won the case too.

16. Hackers

Hackers can be dangerous but some of them litly dangerous . As they are able to inflict physically damaged on victims. The first computer attack of this kind happened back in 2008.  When a group of anonymous hackers hacked into the website EPILEPSY Foundation of America where they spammed the support form of flashing gifs. Keeping in mind that people with EPILEPSY are very sensitive to imagery. This attack caused users to get headache. is works like a fortress for these kind of hackers.


Back in 2008 , when the world was slowly sliding into the economic abyss of the Credit Crunch , a 58 year old unidentified Greek mathematician was arrested in Athens under suspicion of conducting potentially one of the most damaging hacks ever. The hacker , going by the name of Astra , allegedly hacked into the French military contractor Dassault and spent five years stealing sensitive weapons technology information. 

According to Greek officials, Astra caused more than $360 million in damage to Dassault , But Astra's mischief doesn't end there . He then set about selling the information- which contained intelligence on military jets used by India , Egypt,and France - for $1000 a pop to anyone who wanted it. Astra has never been officially identified ,but security analysis have said that the culprit was on insider who gained illegal access. He was sentenced to six years in jail.